Cynthia was always very friendly with May Pang, John's ex-secretary (back in the days) and girlfriend (during his so-called ''Lost Weekend'', planned by Yoko herself, who was tired of John...). She said May treated Julian very well, unlike Yoko. Here are photos of them over the years. Last picture is May with John when they dated
ugly women
John didn't go to california with May Pang because Yoko was tired of him, it was because John told her in conversation that even though he loved her very much, he could not stop lusting after women. John had cheated on Yoko countless times and Yoko told him that maybe they needed a break, and knowing that John would go crazy if he went alone, she assigned May Pang to go along.
Actually John cheated on Yoko once, at the 1972 Nixon party at Jerry Rubins house. This is what made Yoko send him off with Ping Pong. It was Cynthia John cheated on nearly every day for years. Who can blame him cyn was such a dull mouse of a woman. blech.
You're not nice. Although the info is correct. What is ping pong?smh
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