
My room !

Since I'm such a big fan of Mo (fav Beatle girl :) and since I've always been really artsy (well, not in the way I dress don't worry haha), I made four artworks out of these pictures (all black and white). They turned out really good so I'm really happy and it really fits with the rest of my room. I start out by printing the pictures in really bad quality (it was the point, lol). Then, I bought several permanent markers (Sharpie, in black), some were big (big tip), other mediums and I also bought several gel pens (also in black, for the little details). I took my really bad quality ''pictures'' and drew on them with the markers, so the results is like a really detailed drawing but a bit more cartoonish than a regular photo. I chose these pictures in particular because I really love them, I love Maureen's style on them and we really see her eyes, which I love.

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